Summer is one of the best times of the year. You get to spend more time with your kids, enjoy the great outdoors, and plan fun activities. One thing that never fails to put a damper on those fun plans? Bugs! And here in Florida, we get a lot of them. Keep...
In the South, it’s not uncommon to associate summertime with bugs—particularly flies and mosquitoes. But, here in Florida, it seems like this isn’t our standard summer. Residents all over the Port St. Lucie area are reporting more flies than normal, and are having a...
The mosquitoes in Port St. Lucie, Florida are a huge problem. They can quickly ruin any outdoor fun you might be planning this spring and summer! And, while they’re annoying, they can also carry dangerous diseases. Keep reading for some expert tips on mitigating these...
With spring comes lots of rain, and that means lots of standing water—especially in Port St. Lucie! In this blog, we’ll go over what kind of bugs standing water could attract, as well as what you can do to avoid having a big pest problem. What Kind of Pests Can...
April showers bring May flowers. They also bring mosquitos. But did you also know that April is also Pest Management Month? Probably not, nevertheless, you may have noticed that every year once spring rolls around the bugs return in full force. Spring (And Bugs)...
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